Traditional Art

The Contact (or: Somnambulist Trust)

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A black and white drawing of an absurdly thin person without a mouth or a nose reaching out to one of three abstract creatures. The creatures are one-eyed dark blobs with different kinds of elongated limbs. The creature floating on the right is a bit fuzzy. The one on the right has swirls all over its body. The one floating above the person has different kinds of patterns on it and is reaching out to the person bending its limb around and behind them.

Olsberger Landschaft in Aquarell

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A small watercolour sketch of a landscape in Olsberg, Germany. The painting shows a green landscape with lots of meadows and forests. Mountains with forests can be seen in the background. The foreground consists of a dark bush on the right and green and brown shrubs at the bottom. The sky is blue with faint clouds.

Leafed Creature

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A small watercolour painting. It shows a greyish creature with small eyes and two long ears or antennae which is wrapped up in a cloth of rich green leaves. The background consists of a simplistic meadow and sky.

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